Desert light

Desert light

The sky above

From sunrise to sunset, there are no obstructions in the light. No trees create shade, no ridgelines prevent the sun from rising for hours past sunrise. Clouds move across the landscape casting shadows briefly as they sail past. And, then at dusk, the Earth turns golden. Some days, the clouds, the setting sun, and the glowing Earth conspire to create a study in contrasts and a moment so clear, you are forced to pause. There is nothing but this, and nothing more is necessary.

Three landscapes and a soaking shed

A wild winter ride to iconic Central Oregon hot springs offered these landscapes. The road to Summer Lake is a beautiful stretch of little-used highway along the western edge of the Great Basin. Sagebrush gives way to alkali lakes, winds rip across the open flat, and clouds create another dimension of life above the high desert.

Central Oregon, hot springs

An unsettled day in the high desert.

central Oregon, alkaline lake

Silver Lake, Oregon, snow from the west meets billowing clouds from the east.

central Oregon, hot springs

Snow seems to be falling from Summer Lake up to the clouds.

central Oregon, Silver Lake

Between the land and sky of Central Oregon lies Silver Lake.

central Oregon, hot springs

Summer Lake Hot Springs soaking shed

The Road not Taken Enough