Next in a series…

A red-billed oxpecker having breakfast on a giraffe. Moremi National Park, Botswana

I don’t want to follow the crowd. Moremi National Park, Botswana

Communal bath; the bumps in the background… crocs. Moremi National Park, Botswana

Big bull rolling in the mud. Moremi National Park, Botswana

A handful of African birds

Southern red-billed hornbill preening, Moremi National Park, Botswana

White-backed vultures, Moremi National Park, Botswana

Southern yellow-billed hornbill, Moremi National Park, Botswana

Arrow-marked babbler, Moremi National Park, Botswana

Lilac-breasted roller, the national bird of Botswana, Moremi National Park, Botswana


A few more photos from the Delta

water lilies, Okavango Delta

Tall grasses or small elephant? Okavango Delta

Do hippos yawn when they are embarrassed? Okavango Delta

Sunset light in the papyrus. Okavango Delta

Clearly, a Road not Taken Enough. Okavango Delta

First images of Africa


Koi San Bushman couple, Kalahari Desert

African darter sunning

Crocodile in grass


Okavango Delta ripples and reflections

Poling in a mokoro, Okavango Delta


Collecting turpentine grass for thatch, Okavango Delta

water lilies, Okavango Delta

roosting bats, Okavango Delta

The Road not Taken Enough