Home with a cold and highly inclined to lose myself in such, I pored over the beauty of this photo, this lovely scene, this boundless sky…then I ventured backward to catch up on other posts I’ve missed. How have I missed so many? Such a balance of pleasure and poignancy are a gift to my stressed soul. I’m close to wanting those happy pills. Striving for balance is feeling like too much work, but meaning mustn’t be lost in the practice of escapism, or so I tell myself… Mustn’t render myself completely useless, after all.
Oh, my. Where’s dat road?
…it leads to my front door.
Home with a cold and highly inclined to lose myself in such, I pored over the beauty of this photo, this lovely scene, this boundless sky…then I ventured backward to catch up on other posts I’ve missed. How have I missed so many? Such a balance of pleasure and poignancy are a gift to my stressed soul. I’m close to wanting those happy pills. Striving for balance is feeling like too much work, but meaning mustn’t be lost in the practice of escapism, or so I tell myself… Mustn’t render myself completely useless, after all.