At long last
Finally, I landed on Svalbard yesterday morning. It seems a long time coming and now, here I am. The air is cold and dry, the sun lingers at the top of the all-encompassing mountains but doesn’t seem to find its way into the valley where Longyearbyen is nestled. Snow fell quietly through the evening and into the morning. Tomorrow the rest of The Arctic Circle residents arrive; we sail on Monday.
Here are my first views and impressions. I do not expect to have cell service or internet over the coming weeks. I promise to check in as soon as I can. Stay warm and see you here again soon. xoxo T

The first view of Svalbard

An open glacial valley with a braided stream in the bottom wends its way through inland Svalbard.

Flying into Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Norway.

Snow squalls move across Isfjorden toward Longyearbyen, later engulfing the mountains, port, and town.

Repeating patterns of rock and power towers in early autumn snow.

The multicolored housing of Longyearbyen contrasts with the monochromatic scheme of Svalbard.

Metal roofs in Longyearbyen imitate mountain ridge lines.

Modern Quonset huts mimic the position and image of mountains across Isfjorden.

The old coal cableway oversees new apartment buildings. The cableway was used to transfer coal from the mines to ships in Isfjorden.

The church and the coal cableway share the hillside above Longyearbyen.

Longyearbyen School stands at the edge of town, the mountains of Nordre Isfjorden National Park stand behind the school across Isfjorden.
Yay! Stay artfully warm …
Wool and down, down and wool. I can probably knit and weave something out of that. xoxo