Lake Albigna, near Vicosoprano, Switzerland, 2,163m (7,096 ft) above sea level, was dammed for hydropower in the 1950s, a gondola was built to transport equipment and workers to the base of the glacier fields. Today, the gondola carries hikers and rock climbers to see the spectacular indescribable color of the glacial lake, to climb the granite walls, and to hike through alpine meadows. The glaciers are disappearing rapidly; the lake is not far behind.

The engineered lines of Albigna Dam stand high above the Bergell Valley in southern Switzerland.

Built in the 1950s, the Albigna Dam created a glacial lake of stunning of color and power-producing utility.

Albigna Glacier retreats into its valley.

The indescribable color of glacial water contrasts with the texture of mountain rock.