Things you see in the New Mexico desert
Building storms and burgeoning life

End of an era
Godspeed, old friend.

Human impact
not to scale
Aletsch Glacier, the longest glacier in Europe, stretches below Jungfraujoch and Mönchsjoch in Switzerland.
Each of these three photos includes climbers on the snow, rock, or glacier.
Our reach extends far beyond our size.

Desert morning

Winter Solstice
12 21 2020 @ 0202 PST
My calendar says the winter solstice occurs on 12 21 2020 at 0202 PST. Three palindromes must be auspicious. The light returns and another trip around the sun begins. May 2021 be everything that 2020 was not—joyful, expansive, and healthy.
Given the rampant lockdowns and shelter in place orders this year, the annual photo round-up is not as adventurous as other years. Still, I hope there is something here that will resonate.
2020, over and out.