Notes from the camper

I wonder if snails ever get tired of hauling their homes around on their backs.

When hermit crabs move out of outgrown shells, do they feel elated?

I offloaded the camper yesterday for the first time since July. I suddenly feel exposed and, at the same time, delighted that I am free of my shell. The truck feels like a zippy sports car without the extra weight but I have to learn to use the rearview mirror again.

I’m settling in Bend, Oregon, for the winter. Stay tuned. I’ll be adding posts along the way. It’s always an adventure.




Gone Walkabout

The papers are signed. The house is empty. The truck is full. Big Cat and I are finally ready for the road. Well, I’m ready for the road; he is not yet convinced.

Big Cat and I are moving into the camper and going walkabout (yes, I know we will be in the truck, but “driveabout” doesn’t have the same ring). After a little camper prep we will be living on the road for the foreseeable future.


camper down


I have a few destinations in mind – first to the East Coast to visit long lost friends and family. Then, back to the West. There is so much to see and explore; so much I haven’t discovered yet.

I plan to write and take photographs along the way. I hope you’ll join me whenever you can – both physically on the road if you have the inclination to spend a few days on Tamara Time (a little bit like Island Time on speed; it’s always an adventure) and virtually via the web.

Find me here:






The Road not Taken Enough